Rhubarb And Ginger Jam.

Rhubarb And Ginger Jam


     2 lb (0.9kg) prepared Rhubarb
    1⁄4 Pint (125ml) Water
    3 lb (1.4kg) Sugar
    3 tbls lemon juice
    2 oz (50g) Fresh Root Ginger
    1/2 Bottle Certo


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  • Chop the rhubarb into ½ in (1cm) lengths and place in a large pan with the water. Bruise the dry ginger, or chop the fresh ginger into thin slices crossways, put it into a muslin bag, and add to the pan. Heat to the boil, and stir in the sugar.
  • Add the lemon juice, stir until all the sugar has dissolved, then bring to a full rolling boil.
  • Boil rapidly for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Remove from the heat, take out and drain the muslin bag, and stir in the Certo. Skim if necessary.


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